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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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Note: This map only gives the position of Seaton Park within the UK. If anybody could kindly provide a more exact location for the 'airport' in the 1930s, this advice will be most welcome.

SEATON: Regional airport

British airline users: Highland Airways

Location: Now the Seaton Park suburb of Aberdeen about 2.5nm N of the city centre

Period of operation: 1934 to ?



Graeme Simpson

This comment was written on: 2018-01-11 20:48:41
Location was 57°10'18.1"N 2°05'22.8"W. This was a site where 'flying circuses' took place and did not host airline services and nor did it develop into an airport.

Reply from Dick Flute:
Hi Graeme, Many thanks, your advice is most welcome. Best regards, Dick


alan cooper

This comment was written on: 2018-06-23 12:51:54
Scheduled flights from Seaton to Orkney began 7 May 1934 operated by Capt E "Ted" Fresson's Highland Airways but in 1935 Seaton Park was the venue for the Royal Highland Show and Fresson moved his operations to Kintore Aberdeenshire instead. Fresson wrote a book Air Road to the Isles which would be helpful for further reasearch

Reply from Dick Flute:
Hi Alan, Many thanks indeed. I shall keep this advice posted. Best regards, Dick

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