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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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Note: This map gives only the location of the village/town within the UK. If the flying site is known today this information will be much appreciated.

ASKERNISH: Occasional Landing Ground later regional airport (Aka AISGERNIS?)

Airline users: Pre 1940: Midland & Scottish Air Ferries, Northern & Scottish Airways

Location: If my guess is correct and ASKERNISH airport is now known as AISGERNIS, the airport was on the west coast of South Uist near this existing village/town. Can anybody help here?

Period of operation: 1930s only?


NOTES: In Dec 1935 Northern & Scottish Airways inaugurated a twice-weekly service to this 'airport' from RENFREW.


It appears the first recorded flight landing in a field near Askernish was piloted by Captain Ed Stewart of Midland and Scottish Air Ferries from RENFREW on the 1st June 1933 undertaking the third air ambulance flight in Scotland. It seems the second air ambulance flight to ASKERNISH took place on the 13th September 1933. This time Captain Jimmy Orrell was flying the DH Dragon G-ACCZ.



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