Callow Farm - UK Airfield Guide

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Callow Farm

Notes: This map only gives a position within the UK of Callow Farm. If anybody could kindly provide a more exact location for the airstrip, this advice will be most welcome.

CALLOW FARM: Private airstrip and helicopter landing area

Aerial view 2006
Aerial view 2006
Aerial detail 2018
Aerial detail 2018
Area view
Area view

Note:  All three of these pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©


Location: W of B4197, 1nm N of Martley, about 8nm NE of Bromyard town centre and roughly 8nm NW of Worcester city centre

Period of operation: 1980s as an established strip?  

NOTES:  The 2006 picture shows a very narrow strip marked out in white:   16/34   550   grass 
The useable width is unknown and cannot be seen on the picture, but, I have twice landed on runways, in the UK and France which were only three to four metres wide. Barely wider than the undercarriage track. (See SCOTLAND FARM for an example). 

It does not appear on Google Earth pictures either before or after, but may of course have been marked out for around two to three years - perhaps a tad longer.

If anybody can kindly offer advice, this will be much appreciated.




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