Cameron House Hotel
CAMERON HOUSE HOTEL: Helicopter landing area and occassional floatplane use before Loch Lomond Seaplanes set up a base here.
(Aka DUCK BAY for floatplane use)
Note: These three pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©
Location: W of the A82, 1.25nm NW of Balloch
Period of operation: 1980s (?) to -
NOTES: I could well be mistaken of course, but the 2010 picture above seems to show a helicopter on the lawn just north of the main building? If not, what else might it be?
For many years, (how many?), an arrangement has been made with Loch Lomond Seaplanes to use their jetty. Was or is this purely used for hotel guests?
Despite a terrible fire occurring in the old 18th century main building on the 18th December 2017, in which two guests lost their lives, it appears that much of the hotel facilties kept on operating. It seems that insurance claims led to a quick and effective restoration.
Looking at the Loch Lomond Seaplane web-site in 2020 it would appear that this is now their main operating base. See my seperate entry for CAMERON HOUSE for more information.
It all gets a bit confusing as CAMERON HOUSE is often listed as being a quite seperate entity from CAMERON HOUSE HOTEL. Which quite clearly it isn't. However, we should look at the history, which shows that the 18th century house existed long before it was turned into a hotel.
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