Charlton Marshall
CHARLTON MARSHALL: Private airstrip
The local area and area views are from my Google Earth © derived database.
Operated by: Mr Michael E R Coghlan (Mikes Motors)
Location: In/near Charlton Marshall on the A350 about 2nm SE to ESE of Blandford Forum town centre
Period of operation: Unknown? Apparently during the 1970s only?
Runway: Unknown? The red line on the Google Earth © picture above is purely my guess. One report says that the airstrip was west of the garage, but I think that is rather unlikely as the garage was, it seems, on the east side of the A350? So, if my guess is correct, an airstrip running roughly E/W would allow up to 650 metres. More than enough for Austers of course, but, if taking off towards the west, allowing enough distance to turn and avoid over-flying nearby properties.
NOTES: Although I had a very brief mention of this airstrip listed, we have Mr Graham Frost, a great friend of this 'Guide', to thank for providing extra information which has allowed me to expand the listing. Albeit with extra questions.
Graham tells us that Mikes Motors were engaged in overhauling aircraft here in the 1970s, and indeed, the Auster J/1N Alpha G-APJZ (ex 5N-ACY), was registered here to Mr Michael E R Coghlan (Mikes Motors). Records show that this was from 23.05.74 until 10.02.75.
I had made a note that in 1976/7 apparently this was the base for the Auster 5 G-BDFX (ex F-BGXG). Further information from the G-INFO website indicates that this was quite probably from 09.07.75 until 20.05.83?
If anybody can kindly offer advice and information, this will be much appreciated. Pictures are always welcome.
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