Chesham flying sites - UK Airfield Guide

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Chesham flying sites

Note: This map only shows the position of Chesham town within the UK. If anybody can offer any advice regarding these three sites, this will be much appreciated.

CHESHAM: Temporary aerodrome?

Aerial view
Aerial view

NOTES: Some time ago I made these notes: "On the 14th June Sir Alan Cobham’s 1934 Tour displayed in/near Chesham. Is the venue location now known? In fact the Cobham Tour visited Chesham again on the 21st June 1935, using the same site perhaps?" I have now been provided, seperately, two locations near to each other. Both could be correct? It is of course common for farmers to do crop rotation on an annual basis, so the actual field used may well depend on which field was laying fallow?

It can be of course be difficult, if not now impossible, to determine which actual field was used, and when. Whilst adding this picture from Google Earth ©, I noticed that I already had a seperate listing for BROCKHURST FARM, which I shall leave in place. Mainly because this project is just a 'Guide' and it is quite possible that somebody may be searching using this name for the location. 


CHESHAM: Military airstrip

Military user: US First Army ‘XIX’ Corps 30th Infantry Division Artillery HQ

Location: ?

Period of operation: 1944/5 only?

NOTES: It appears that one Piper L-4 Grasshopper and one Stinson L-5 Sentinel were based here.



CHESHAM: Private airstrip

Aerial view
Aerial view

Note: This picture was obtained from Google Earth ©


NOTES: The info source here was the AAIB report EW/G2013/06/24. Looking at a picture of the area around Chesham on Google Earth (picture dated 2006) I couldn’t identify an obvious airstrip.

It might well have been, in 2013, the base of the Cosmik Aviation EV097 Eurostar G-MPAT? However, in July 2017 I was very kindly contacted by Russell Jarvis who pointed out what may well be this airstrip - see seperate listing for "The Vale, Chesham."


Operated by:  Chesham Model Flying Club

Location:  Roughly 1nm W of Chesham town centre

Period of operation:  Unknown?    (Club formed in 1988, but, always based here?

Aerial view 2003
Aerial view 2003
Aerial view 2017
Aerial view 2017
Aerial view 2021
Aerial view 2021
Local aerial view
Local aerial view


Note:  The first three pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©. The local area view is from my Google Earth © derived database.

NOTES:  If anybody can kindly offer advice and information, this will be most welcome. Pictures are always much appreciated.



Russell Jarvis

This comment was written on: 2017-07-07 08:45:13
I may be able to help, I am not a plan buff, so apologies if this is not of use, I used to work in Chesham and to the North of the town on Vale Road just beyond the Black Horse Inn was a field with a wind sock and a newish "barn" that looked like it might be used to house a "microlight?" style aircraft. A mown "strip" is visible on google maps. 51.732968, -0.608411

Reply from Dick Flute:
Hi Russell, Many thanks indeed, I certainly didn't have this airstrip listed. It is now a separate listing = "The Vale Chesham". Best regards, Dick


Terry Clark

This comment was written on: 2017-12-25 20:29:42
I used to live in Chesham. My father told me he flew with Sir Alan's National Aviation Day but didn't say which one. He said the field used was along Lye Green Road, just north east of the town. To the north west of this, alongside the A416 road between Chesham and Ashley Green, there is a blister shaped construction reminiscent of a WW2 hangar. In the '50s, from about 1952, we used to visit my grandmother in Berkhamstead and this hangar was in situ in those days. My parents always told me it was assmbled for an airfield which was never completed but I think it's the site of the USAAF temporary landing ground.


Terry Clark

This comment was written on: 2017-12-25 20:36:41
In the '60s, my sister lived in a wooden house nearly opposite the Black Horse. I think it's been demolished now but the airstrip mentioned would have had its southern threshold just across the road from her place!


Michael T Holder

This comment was written on: 2020-05-24 23:10:50
From the Buckinghamshire Examiner – Friday 13 February 1925 – Advert for The World-famed Berkshire Aviation Tours are giving Passenger Flights from 5 shillings each at Pednor Road Chesham (by kind permission of E A Cooper, Esq), from Thursday 12 February to Tuesday 24 February. Three Seater Machines in use daily from 1030 until dark Pednor Road is at the southern of Chesham and runs off to the west along a valley floor. The fields used are over 300yards up the road on the south side..

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