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HORHAM: Military aerodrome later private airstrip

Aerial view
Aerial view

Note: This picture (2017) was obtained from Google Earth ©

The layout of the WW2 runways can be clearly discerned, as can parts of the airfield perimeter. 


Military users: WW2: 8th USAAF          13th Bombardment Wing            95th Bomb Group

334, 335, 336 & 412 Sqdns     (Boeing B.17 Fortress)

Location: WSW of Stradbrooke & NW of Horham villages, N of B1117, 4nm ESE of Eye

Periods of operation: Military: 1942 to 1963            Private: 1998 to -

Runways: WW2: 07/25   1829x46   hard             01/19   1280x46   hard
                         13/31   1280x46   hard

We have Mike Holder, a great friend of this 'Guide', to thank for researching this subject and kindly providing the following items:

WW2 airfield map
WW2 airfield map
Photo One
Photo One
Local area map c.1961
Local area map c.1961

Photo One is of the Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress, 43-31057, of the 95th Bomb Group, obtained from the American Air Museum.

Photo Two
Photo Two
Aerial vertical c.1945
Aerial vertical c.1945
Photo Three
Photo Three

Photo Two, of a B-17 Fortress taking off, is from Bombers of WWII by Jeffrey I Erthell. Photo Three of one of the B-17 hangars is from Fortress Down by Douglas L Bockus.

Photo Four
Photo Four
Local map c.1961
Local map c.1961
Photo Five
Photo Five

Photo Four is of 1st Lieutenant George Dancisn, Captain of 'Full House' taken in the summer of 1944. Photo Five is of the crew of 'Full House', presumably taken around the same time?

Photo Six
Photo Six
Photo Seven
Photo Seven
Photo Eight
Photo Eight

Photo Six is of the crew after a raid on Berlin from The Munster Raid by Ian Hawkins. Photo Seven is of a crew outside the Briefing Room in August 1944 from the American Air Museum, as was Photo Eight.

Google Earth © view
Google Earth © view
Photo Nine
Photo Nine
Area view
Area view

Photo NIne was published in the East Anglian Daily Times on the 19th September 1981. The area view is from my Google Earth © derived database.


NOTES: At Flying For Fun at KEMBLE in 2006 Mr Andrew Castleden flew in with the Citabria G-BRJV booking-in from HORHAM. Putting two and two together to make five, is there now evidence of an airstrip being established on this WW2 site?

In January 2008 I moved an Auster 4 that had just been brought by Mr Castleden so got the full story. He had obtained planning permission to use part of the 07/25 runway, on the south side, (an area swept and restored of about 470 x 15/20 to operate a Vans RV.9 G-HOXN from. His Citabria had been crashed when used elsewhere for solo rental/training duties.




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