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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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Infantry Battle School


Aerial view 2017
Aerial view 2017
Aerial detail 2017
Aerial detail 2017

Note:  Both of these pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©


Location: Just ESE of Brecon town centre 

Period of operation:  From the 1990s (?) to -

NOTES:  This facility appears unusual if not unique (?) in the UK in that the British Army provide a facility that can regularly be used by the Air Ambulance Service in Wales, and indeed is listed as one of their main landing sites in the region. The main difference being that Brecon does not have a major A&E facility, so this is only a 'collection point'.

The terrain in this region, especially where serious accidents can occur, is often not suitable for an Air Amulance to operate from. So the initial recovery needs to be made by land-based rescue teams - the casualty then being air-lifted to a major hospital.

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