Note: This map only gives the position of Kentchurch village within the UK. A search on the inter-web and Google Earth failed to reveal a likely location for the airstrip - if indeed, that is what it is. In many cases only a suitably flat-ish and well mown field is needed. If anybody can kindly provide a more exact location, this advice will be most welcome.
KENTCHURCH: Private airstrip
Location: E of B4347 roughly 9nm NW of Monmouth
Period of operation: From 2004 (?) to -
Runway: N/S 600 grass
NOTES: Not long after this strip was first being used an Auster had to taken away by road, because cattle had started eating it! I know because I was asked for a quote on the job.
For some odd reason it appears that cattle like nothing more than to eat fabric covered aircraft - it a well known hazard, especially for those making a forced or precautionary landing in a farmers field. Perhaps a farmer could be kind enough to explain why?
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