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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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Note: This map only shows the position of Langham village within the UK.

LANGHAM: Private airstrip   (Also model flying site?)

Aerial view 2000
Aerial view 2000
Aerial view 2006
Aerial view 2006
Aerial view 2012
Aerial view 2012

Note:All six of these pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©

Detail 2018
Detail 2018
Aerial view 2020
Aerial view 2020
Area view
Area view

Location: Close to Langham / Langham Moor, 4nm NNE of Colchester town centre. And, part of the north end of BOXTED WW2 aerodrome.

Runway: 06/24   600   grass?

Note: The only evidence of this airstrip I can find, shows that the runway is:   03/21   640   grass 


NOTES:   The initial information came from the AAIB report EW/G2003/08/52 which states LANGHAM is close to Colchester. Which it is, the village being just W of the A12 and roughly 4nm NNE of Colchester town centre.

I had made this comment some time ago:  "However, searching through Google Earth I can find no sign of a 600 metre runway orientated 06/24. But of course, some farm strips are only laid out for a year or two. If anybody can kindly offer advice, this will be much appreciated."

In 2021, see 'Comment' below, Mr Glyn Hall kindly offered advice, and it all seemed to become clear. There are many examples of private airstrips being laid out on the remains of WW2 aerodromes, but then being known by different names. This seems a good example.



Glyn Hall

This comment was written on: 2021-06-05 07:49:07
Not sure when you last looked, but it's clear to see on google sattelite, SBM UK LTD have a marker there, you can even see where the perimeter road crosses into the field to the north and loops back, currently a ploughed field but very defined.

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