Lincoln 1913 - UK Airfield Guide

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Lincoln 1913


LINCOLN 1913:  Temporary aerodrome

Operated by:  B C Hucks

Location:  Just NE of Lincoln city centre  

Period of operation:  22nd to 25th January 1913


Local map c.1914
Local map c.1914
Google Earth © view
Google Earth © view

Note:  The third item, the article, was published in the, wait for it - deep breath - Retford and Worksop Herald and North Notts Advertiser, on the 14th January 1913.

Aerial photo c.1947
Aerial photo c.1947
Article Part One
Article Part One
Article Part Two
Article Part Two

Note:  This two part article was published in the Lincolnshire Echo on the 23rd January 1913.

Local map c.1961
Local map c.1961
Local map c.1970
Local map c.1970

Note:  The advert was published in the Lincolnshire Chronicle on the 24th January 1913.

Article Part One
Article Part One
Article Part Two
Article Part Two
Local area view
Local area view

Note: This two part article was published in the Lincolnshire Echo on the 24th January 1913. The local area view is from my Google Earth © derived database. 


NOTES:  During the hey-day of the 'Flying Circus' era, mainly in the late 1920s until the mid 1930s, the majority of the Tours commenced in April. But here we have B C Hucks performing exhibitions of flying in January. In the height of winter, for three consecutive days.

It is perhaps, today, hard to imagine just how powerful a draw for the public it must have been - to see just one aeroplane flying - even by 1913. What we also need to bear in mind, is that the most famous of those early aviators, were what we would now know as being super-stars. So in effect, a double draw on the public imagination.

Perhaps worth reflecting on, is that in early 1914, the Royal Flying Corps, (which had a military and a naval contingent), had, it is claimed - just four squadrons, plus a balloon squadron. At the end of WW1 the RFC, (the RNAS - Royal Naval Air Service being formed in April 1914), had, it is said, around 3,300 aircraft and about 150 squadrons.

In the pre-WW1 period, much of the pioneering work, or test flying, was spearheaded by civilian pilots. And indeed, Bentfield Charles Hucks was the first Briton to perform a loop, at HENDON, in September 1913.



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