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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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Maiden Castle

MAIDEN CASTLE:  Paragliding and aeromodelling site

General overview
General overview
Aerial view
Aerial view

Note: Both of these pictures (2018) were obtained from Google Earth ©


Operated by: (Since 2006)  Wessex Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club


Location:  Just SW of Dorchester

Period of operation:  ? to -

NOTES:  I suspect that many years ago this site may well have been used by hang gliders. Today only paragliding is allowed, along with the aeromodellers of course.

It is well worth looking at the Wessex Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club website which is a very fine example illustrating just how professional and responsible many in the hang gliding and paragliding community have beome. A credit to all involved.



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