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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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MILLOM: Military aerodrome

Note: Pictures by the author unless specified. (All taken through perspex)

Millom in 1992
Millom in 1992
Millom in June 2003
Millom in June 2003
An alternate view in 2003
An alternate view in 2003


Military users: RAF Flying Training Command         25 Group

2 AFU  [Advanced Flying Unit]    (Avro Ansons, Fairey Battles and Bristol Blenheims)

2 BGS   (Possibly Avro Ansons, Fairey Battles & Bristol Blenheims?)
Note: Although mentioned in accounts I have found,  I cannot find a definition of BGS.

Gliding: 1970s only?

Location: 2nm WSW of Millom, W of Haverigg village

Period of operation: 1941 to 1945


Runways: 12/30   914x46   hard          16/34   914x46   hard 
                07/25   914x46   hard


NOTES: Later partly a HM prison and also part used later by a ‘wind farm’.



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