Newlands Corner
Location: About 2nm E of Guildford town centre, E of the A25.
Period of operation: Briefly during 1933 and 1935
29th April 1933: British Hospitals Air Pageants
29th April 1935: Jubilee Air Displays
NOTES: I had originally thought that this location probably coincided with the RAF RLG (Relief Landing Ground) at nearby MERROW. But it doesn't.
I had made the comment: "I wonder if anybody today can kindly provide more information? In their day these 'Flying Circus' visits were very popular indeed, attracting huge crowds, so some records almost certainly exist?" And lo and behold I later came across detailed accounts of both events, published in the Surrey Advertiser in 2010. Well worth looking up.
I also suspect that few people today realise that, even if only used for one day, these sites were officially licensed aerodromes. Initially an inspection of the site by officials from the Ministry was required, but later the larger and more reputable operators were allowed to be self-certifying.
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