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NEWRY:   Private airstrip

Aerial view 2010
Aerial view 2010
Aerial view 2015
Aerial view 2015
Aerial view 2020
Aerial view 2020
Area view
Area view

Note:  All four of these pictures were obtained from Google Earth©


Location:  Just W of the A2, about 2nm SSE of Newry town centre

Period of operation:  ? to possibly 2020?

Runway:  2010 =  15/33   460   grass

                2015 =   Were just 270 metres being used? 

NOTES:  We have Mr Karel Adams, who lives in Belgium and a great friend of this 'Guide', to thank for pointing this airstrip out. It is far from obvious even when you know where to look! Thank heavens Google Earth © has a zoom facility.

Looking at the pictures from 2010 and 2015 the airstrip is clear to see, but not so in the 2020 picture. Is it still in use I wonder? As always in this 'Guide', if anybody can kindly offer advice, this will be most welcome.



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