North Rona - UK Airfield Guide

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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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North Rona

NORTH RONA:   Lighthouse helipad

Aerial view 2009
Aerial view 2009
Site map
Site map
Aerial view 2021
Aerial view 2021

Local area view
Local area view
Local map
Local map
Area view
Area view


Note:  All four of these pictures were obtained from Google Earth © and the two maps were kindly provided by Michael T Holder.


Operated by:  Northern Lighthouse Board

Location:  About 65nm NNW of STORNOWAY airport, and about 104nm WNW of KIRKWALL airport

Period of operation:  Probably since 1984 when the facility was first built?

NOTES:  We have to thank Mr Graham Frost, a great friend of this 'Guide' for pointing out this location. I had certainly not heard of this island.



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