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Parkwood Springs

PARKWOOD SPRINGS: Civic helipad      (Aka   SHIRECLIFFE) 

Aerial view 1999
Aerial view 1999
Aerial view 2009
Aerial view 2009
Aerial view 2016
Aerial view 2016

Note:  Does the third picture from 2016 indicate that the helipad was disused by this time?

Aerial view 2020
Aerial view 2020
Local area view
Local area view
Area view
Area view

Note:  The first five pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©. The area view is from my Google Earth © derived database.  


Operated by: 2000: Sheffield City Council

Period of operation:   Unknown? Probably from the 1990s until roughly 2010?

Location: About 1nm N of Sheffield city centre, 1.3nm SE of Hillsborough Stadium


Landing area: Tarmac pad    22x22m

NOTES:  We have Mr Mark Taylor to thank for pinpointing this location. He tells us that the precise location is often if not generally known as - 'Heliport Site Recreation Ground'.




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