Priors Farm
Note: The first and second, fourth and fifth pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©. The local area and area views are from my Google Earth © derived database.
Location: Just E to NE of Peasemore village, W of the A34 and roughly 6nm N of Newbury town centre
Period of operation: From around 2016 it appears -
Runway (s): 2017: 01/19 640 x 20 grass
2018: 01/19 640 x 20 grass 04/22 435 grass
Later: 01/19 640 x 20 grass
NOTES: The initial info regarding the existence of this strip came from the AAIB report, EW/G2017/08/17. Additional info from Google Earth.
Once known as PEASEMORE COMMON, and more recently as PRIORS FARM the airfield has its own website and actively encourages visitors and events. What a splendid example in very recent years to prove that so many lovely and generous people are dedicated to keeping light aviation alive and well. I just wish I was still flying, I'd be down there like a shot.
In November 2022 Mr Peter Miller kindly sent me these pictures he took when at the Fly-In on the 14th July 2019.
Notes: The first picture is of the Beagle A.61 Terrier Srs.2 G-ASCH. The second picture is of the Jabiru UL-450 G-BZYK. A regular visitor to fly-ins is the de Havilland DH87B Hornet Moth, G-ADNE, seen here in the third picture. The first time I saw a YAK-12M was when I was 'smuggled' into a hangar on an airfield near Warsaw around forty years ago. Never thought for one moment that one could be seen in the UK, let alone this example, G-PKFD, on the British register!
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