RAF Museum Hendon - UK Airfield Guide

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RAF Museum Hendon


Aerial view 1999
Aerial view 1999
Aerial view 2006
Aerial view 2006
Aerial view 2015
Aerial view 2015

Note: The first four pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©. The fifth and sixth from my Google Earth © derived database.

Aerial site view
Aerial site view
Local area view
Local area view
Area view
Area view


Location: Just W of the M1, on the eastern side of the HENDON aerodrome

Period of operation:  Start date unknown? Until 2015

NOTES:  I have been to this museum several times, and indeed moved the Bristol Bulldog to FILTON, for the Bristol Aeroplane Company centennary celebrations - and back again. But it was in July 2022 when I was kindly contacted by Mr Jonathan Horswell who told me that RAF helicopters had been visiting the site for many years. And indeed, he had seen the AgustaWestland EH-101 Merlin HC4, ZJ119, when it landed here.

If anybody can kindly offer more advice and information, this will be most welcome.

For pictures of the museum, these can be seen in my article:  'British aviation museums'.



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