Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital - UK Airfield Guide

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Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital


Aerial view of hospital in 2018
Aerial view of hospital in 2018
The grass helipad in 2006
The grass helipad in 2006
The new 'hard' helipad in 2007
The new 'hard' helipad in 2007
The latest markings in 2018
The latest markings in 2018


Note:  All these pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©

Location:  At the NE end of the site, in Wonford, S of the B3183 and ESE of Exeter city centre 

Period of operation: Since the 1990s (?) to -

Landing area:  Originally grass until 2006/7. Then hard surface.

NOTES:  As the third picture clearly shows, the original 'H' marking on the helipad was very quickly removed and replaced by another just a few metres further south. I wonder what the reason was? Possibly an unexpected 'gust' problem affecting an entrance due to helicopter downwash? It does happen. 


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