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Sayers Marsh

SAYERS MARSH: Temporary aerodrome

Operated by: Berkshire Aviation Co 1921, Scott’s ‘Flying Circus’ 1933

Location: Extons Place, Kings Lynn

Period of operation: 13th July 1921 & 2nd August 1933

Newspaper article
Newspaper article

Note: We have Mr Michael T Holder, a great friend of this 'Guide', to thank for tracking down this article published in the Lynn Advertiser on the 4th August 1933.


NOTES: The 1933 Aerial Pageant was held in aid of the West Norfolk and King’s Lynn General Hospital. Admission was one shilling and sixpence, children sixpence and cars one shilling.

Pleasure flights commenced at noon and visitors were invited to fly in the aeroplane in which Mr W A Scott had flown to and from Australia. A chance to see the “new airliner” the DH.84 Dragon was advertised, plus “spectacular aerobatics”, formation flying, air taxi flights and flying lessons. ‘Performances’ were held at 14.30 and 18.30 including a “great air race, grand formation flight, crazy flying, humerous events, thrilling parachute descents and wireless controlled flying.” The pageant went on until dusk.

It seems possible that these events took place at the same location also listed as EXTONS ROAD? But, experience has taught me to be very wary of jumping to such conclusions. The fact is that, by and large, these operations were conducted from a suitable field hired for the occassion. There are several examples of events taking place in close proximity and indeed, depending on crop rotation within a single farm, the farmer may well have selected different fields year by year.  




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