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Singleton Hospital

SINGLETON HOSPITAL:  Private helipad

Aerial view 2018
Aerial view 2018
Aerial detail 2018
Aerial detail 2018

Note: Both these pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©

Scanning back nearly twenty years, there is no evidence of a helipad being marked out. So my marker is only a rough guess.


Location: A field behind the Fire Station. The hospital is about 2nm SW of Swansea city centre

Periof of operation: ?



Roger Winser

This comment was written on: 2019-10-29 23:06:58
SAR and air ambulance helicopters have landed at the nearby King George V Playing Fields but more recently the air ambulance helicopters have landed on the Civil Service cricket ground behind Sketty Fire Station, Sketty Lane where I have seen Wales Air Ambulance helicopter (Helimed 57) land in 2018.

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