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Stoke Airfield

STOKE AIRFIELD: Microlight airfield

Stoke Airfield in 2005
Stoke Airfield in 2005
Another view
Another view

Note: Pictures by the author.

Operated by: 1975 to - Medway Microlights

Manufacturing: Medway Microlights


Location: S of A228, SSW of Middle Stoke, 4nm W of Sheerness

Period of operation: 1975 to -

Runway: 06/24  600x25   grass

NOTES: Chris Draper formed Medway Microlights, established this airfield and has run and developed the business ever since. Thus making it one of the longest established single-owner/operator microlight flying sites in the UK. Light aircraft GA pilots are also welcome to fly in.

In fact I was invited to fly in with a Cessna 172 and was very keen to do so. For some reason I really cannot now explain, I failed to act sooner rather than later and when the CAA pulled my medical for reasons that utterly dumbfounded my GP - it was suddenly too late. So, as a warning to others, if you have a favoured destination in mind - go as soon as you can.




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