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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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STRONSAY: Civil aerodrome & regional airport

Operated by: 1967 to 1980s:  ?

1980s to 2000: Orkney Islands Council

Location: 0.5nm N of B9062, extreme N end of Stronsay Island, 14nm NE of KIRKWALL

Period of operation: 1967 to -     
(Grass strips were available before scheduled services started in 1967)  

British airline users: 

Post 1945: Loganair  

Note: Did BEA operate their Dragon Rapides into here? The runway lengths appear too marginal for their DH.114 Herons? 

Stronsay in 1993
Stronsay in 1993
Stronsay in 2000
Stronsay in 2000

Note: These maps are reproduced with the kind permission of Pooleys Flight Equipment Ltd. Copyright Robert Pooley 2014.

Runways: 1990: 02/20   540x18   grass           06/24   336x18   grass

2000: 02/20   515x18   hard           06/24   411x30   grass 
         10/28   404x18   grass


NOTES: Runway 02/20 was converted to hard core in 1999/2000 and just look at these short runway lengths considering that scheduled air services operate into here, normally six days a week. No problem for Britten-Norman Islanders of course.




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