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SUTTON-on-SEA: Temporary aerodrome

Operated by: Sir Alan Cobham’s 1934 and the 1935 No.1 Tour of the UK

Location: Probably just S of the B1197, now the A1111, and just SW of Sutton-on-Sea. About 2nm SSE of Mablethorpe

Period of operation: 18th September 1934 and 18th July 1935


We have to thank Mike Holder, a great friend of this 'Guide', for delving into the history of this location. 

Local map c.1913
Local map c.1913

Note:  The advert was published in the Louth Standard on the 8th September 1934, the article was published on the 15th September.

Google Street View
Google Street View
Local map c.1970
Local map c.1970


The article above was published in the Louth Standard on the 20th July 1935, this being preceeded by the advert published on the 6th July.

Google Earth © view
Google Earth © view
Local map c.1961
Local map c.1961
Local area view
Local area view

Note:  The local area view is from my Google Earth © derived database,


NOTES:  We do not know for certain exactly which field was used. However, judging from maps and the information available, we will offer an 'informed guess'.

If anybody can kindly offer advice and information, this will be much appreciated.

Sir Alan Cobham's 1934 National Aviation Day tour did not involve having two Tours displaying concurrently around the country as with his 1933 project. However, in 1935 another approach was made. This time the tour started in Fareham on the 12th April but split into two Tours on the Ist July. SUTTON-on-SEA was the 19th venue for the No.1 Tour.




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