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WORKSOP: Military aerodrome

Aerial view
Aerial view
Airfield map
Airfield map

Note: The first picture (2011) was obtained from Google Earth ©. The airfield map was kindly provided by Mr Adie Platts.

If you compare the first picture with the map of the WW2 airfield, a number of defining features can still be seen. 


Military user: WW2: RAF Bomber Command            91 Group

18 OTU  [Operational Training Unit]    (Miles Martinets, Airspeed Oxfords, Curtiss P-40 Tomahawks & Vickers Wellingtons)

Bomber Command CNVTS  (Central Night Vision Training School)   Possibly using Avro Lancasters? The type was seen here. Also, Bristol Beaufighters were seen here, so perhaps they were involved?

Post WW2

211 AFS  [Advanced Flying School], renamed 211 FTS  [Flying Training School]   (de Havilland Vampires & Gloster Meteors)

616 Sqdn  [Royal Auxiliary Air Force]    (Gloster Meteors)


Local map c.1968
Local map c.1968
Aerial photo c.1950
Aerial photo c.1950
Local area map c.1961
Local area map c.1961

Aerobatic team
Aerobatic team
Newspaper article
Newspaper article
Google Earth © view
Google Earth © view

Note:  The picture of the aerobatic team in July 1957, is from Meteor Boys by Steve Bond. The newspaper article was published in the Nottingham Evening Post on the 27th March 1958.

Mike Holder, a great friend of this 'Guide', has kindly added the runway layout to the Google Earth © view.


Location: W of A1, N to NNW of Scofton, WNW of Ranby, 2.5nm ENE of Worksop

Period of operation: 1943 to 1960

Note:  The airfield was first closed in 1948, but was reactivated in August 1952 to aid flight training for the Korean war.


Runways: WW2: 04/22   1280x46   hard           10/28   1829x46   hard
                         16/34   1079x46   hard

NOTES:  I have been informed that after WORKSOP closed for military use, the Foljambe family who owned the Osberton Estate on which the airfield was built, used part of the airfield, (presumably the 10/28 runway?), to fly up to their other estate in Scotland. Can anybody kindly confirm this, and hopefully add additional information?  The aircraft type, (especially the registration), would be much appreciated.   




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