Sites to be identified - UK Airfield Guide

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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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Sites to be identified

Over the twenty plus years of research, before starting on making entries to the web-site in late 2014, I have acquired and been sent hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Most of which are easy enough to identify given the knowledge I have gained, and of course, most of these have been captioned. But, there are a few pictures I cannot identify, hence this section of the 'Guide' which is thrown open for help and advice. Also, over the years when flying around the UK in a light aircraft I have also taken pictures, especially of private strips, which I couldn't identify by name.

Most of the pictures in this section have now been identified - but a few still remain.

If anybody can help in identifying these sites, do please contact me by e-mail..


The first entry:  Picture 0007

 Seems familiar but I cannot place it
Seems familiar but I cannot place it




The second entry:  



The third entry:  Picture 0017


 Even with a clue
Even with a clue

 NOTE:  I can remember so much about this job, when moving the Pitts G-SISS. But I simply cannot remember where I took this picture. I believe this picture was taken at PENTLOW in ESSEX in 2006. Can anybody now confirm this?


The fourth entry. Picture 0018

The BBMF Lancaster and a Spitfire
The BBMF Lancaster and a Spitfire

NOTE: I took this picture in 1987, in the summer and probably in August, or possibly in September according to the developers date. But, my memory has failed completely as to where it was taken. Very little to go on in terms of background, but it appears that the Varsity in the background was probably operational? Can anybody kindly help here?


The fifth entry: Picture 0021

A Pitts in SUFFOLK?
A Pitts in SUFFOLK?

NOTE: From 1999 I started keeping a log of the aircraft I had moved. However I was keeping this log on a floppy disc which self-destructed. I was keeping a back-up, but not often enough!

In late 2016 I came across this picture of the Pitts S-1D G-BKVP which for some reason I have no recollection of moving, except that I have an inkling that this picture was taken in SUFFOLK. It is quite odd looking back at pictures of aircraft I have moved taken over many years. Some I have a clear memory of, and others not the foggiest idea, except for the picture providing an aide memoir.

This case is a rare exception in as much that I have no idea whatsoever if I was collecting the Pitts or delivering it. This said, on a move such as this it often entailed a very long day, leaving London early and arriving back very late. All quite legal if I wasn't driving the day before or the day after. Very tiring circumstances that often render the memory defunct, but of course a maximum of ten hours actually driving.

The sixth entry: Picture 0025

Where and when was this picture taken?
Where and when was this picture taken?

And another picture I now have no idea about. I have tried to wrack what little is left of my mind and memory, tried to find a match, but failed dismally.  


The seventh entry: Picture 0026

Can anybody help?
Can anybody help?

I thought I could quite quickly identify the location for this picture, acquired over the years and with no information. But the more I looked the more I realised that it could well be a thankless task - nothing seemed to match. The problem being of course that so much changes over several decades. I imagine that this picture was taken in the 1960s?


The eighth entry:

In October 2017 I was looking for a private airstrip in the south central part of the Isle of Wight on Google Earth and was astonished to find a feature looking exactly like the evidence of a typical WW2 'hard' runway - width 46m and a length of at least 1000m. It is NE of Chale and NW of Niton. Can anybody kindly offer advice? 

The ninth entry

The Spitfire SL721 - JMR
The Spitfire SL721 - JMR

Also in October 2017 I was sent this picture from a postcard by Mike Charlton. It shows the Spitfire LF.MkXVIe SL721 used as a personal transport by Air Chief Marshall Sir James Robb, probably between 1944 and 1947? With his code JMR. But, where was this picture taken? Any ideas?


The tenth entry

Should be obvious?
Should be obvious?

Yet another picture from a postcard from Mike Charlton. I feel I really should, by now in 2018, be able to identify this aerodrome. There are so many clues. But, wracking my little brain has failed dismally. Can anybody kindly help?


The eleventh entry


In January 2018 I was contacted by Denis Pibworth who asked if I had any information, especially as there appears to be a set of six 'approach light' masts leading into the site from the west.

I could give him no information at all, but, looking at the site on Google Earth there certainly appears to be evidence of a pre-existing runway, orientated 07/25 and 600 metres long. These masts do not line up with the 'runway' but, could they have been used to guide helicopters?

It also appears that Coombe Park was used as a Rest & Recuperation centre for USAAF aircrew during WW2 and possibly a bit later. Therefore, the possibility of an airstrip for use by USAAF / USAF liaison aircraft surely cannot be ruled out, especially if the strip was prepared by the use of rollers etc.

Twelth entry

Not much to go on
Not much to go on

Note: Another picture taken of a photograph in the Science Museum, London. Knowing how much knowledge exists 'out there' it seemed worthwhile to include this.


Thirteenteenth entry


Fourteenth entry

During a Cobham Tour
During a Cobham Tour

Scanned from the excellent book Cornwall Aviation Company by Ted Chapman, this picture c/o D W Philips, and almost certainly of the DH83 Fox Moth G-ABUP, has the Handley Page W10 airliner G-EBMR beyond. Almost certainly taken in 1932 and with almost nothing else to go on, can this location be identified?


Fifteenth entry

Unknown Watch Tower
Unknown Watch Tower

In November 2022 Carolyn Dee contacted me. She has been trying to trace where this picture was taken of her friend F/O Leo Carter in around 1944 to 1946. Not much to go on of course. Any ideas?






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