Crimond - UK Airfield Guide

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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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CRIMOND: Military aerodrome, (RNAS), later private airstrip       (HMS MERGANSER)

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Google Earth view
Google Earth view
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Local area map
Area view
Area view


Notes:  The first three items were kindly provided by Mr Michael T Holder, and I have added the area view obtained from Google Earth ©

Military user: RN Air Observer School

Telegrahist Air Gunners & Torpedo Bombing Reconnaissance

Location: NE of A952, in/near Crimond, 6nm SE of Fraserburgh

Period of operation: Military: 1944 to 1946           Civil: 1980s only?

Runways: 02/20   914x28    hard           07/25   1097x28   hard
               12/30   1097x28   hard          16/34    914x28    hard


NOTES: CRIMOND was quite unusual in WW2 for having four hard runways. Am I mistaken in thinking that only the Royal Navy (Fleet Air Arm) in WW2 requested that some of their airfields were equipped with four hard runways?  Many were.

Later, as often happened to many WW2 aerodromes, became a Radio Research Station.

Although evidence of private flying took place here after the RNAS Station closed, I have yet to find any details about this. If anybody can kindly offer advice, this will be most welcome.




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