A pictorial view - UK Airfield Guide

Now having 7,000 + listed!

Probably becoming the most extensive British flying sites guide online...?

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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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A pictorial view



An overall view
An overall view
Southern England
Southern England
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland
Greater London
Greater London

Note:  All these pictures, and those below, were obtained from Google Earth ©

I have often been asked if a map can be added to this 'Guide' and the simple answer is 'No'. Apart from many technical issues, many of the flying sites listed cannot be identified in strictly detailed geographical terms. Plus, I cannot think of a way for continously adding yet more flying sites nearly every day of the year.

But, having claimed that the UK has an aviation heritage unequalled in any other country in the world, it was clearly needed to provide some proof. It has always been my opinion that most people are not much impressed, or interested, in statistics. And we all know how unreliable they can be.

Then it occurred to me that if I added some examples of the Google Earth file I constantly use to keep track of many of the flying sites listed in this 'Guide', this would give a very good picture. And support my claim regarding our heritage. But, please bear in mind that only roughly half the flying sites listed in this 'Guide' appear in these pictures.

West Midlands
West Midlands
SW England and South Wales
SW England and South Wales
NE England
NE England



When, some twenty years ago, I started out on this project, I really did think that within a few years I'd have the subject pretty much sewn up. It was going to be a book, and I had one of the best publishers backing me for the project. He wasn't at all surprised when I told him it would have to be two books - then three. Very sadly he died in tragic circumstances, but I decided to continue. In his memory. Along the way some of most highly regarded aviation historians heard of the project, and very kindly offered support. Sadly most now deceased.

Along the way the world changed. The internet came along, with the opportunity to create web-sites, enabling the ability to constantly update and amend. Something this project needs in so many ways.



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