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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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Newchurch, Hereford

           Note:  This map only gives a rough idea of the site used


NEWCHURCH:   Temporary Landing Ground

Local view
Local view

Note: This picture was obtained from Google Earth © and only shows roughly where the site used might have been?


Location:  Just N of the A4112, roughly S of Woonton village on the A480. About 3nm WSW of Weobley village, and about 7nm SE of Kington. Roughly 10nm SW of Leominster town centre 

NOTES:  Mr Graham Frost, a great friend of this 'Guide', has found evidence that in 1912, Denys Corbett Wilson landed here, (or near here), with his Blériot monoplane. So far nothing else appears known. Can anybody kindly offer advice?

Later, Mr Mike Holder, another great friend of this 'Guide', found that Herefordshire History actually has a picture, (Picture One). It is  of their copyright but hopefully, considering the aims of this 'Guide', won't mind too much if I copy them here? Picture two is from the JB Archive and the same applies.

Picture One
Picture One
Local area map c.1961
Local area map c.1961
Picture Two
Picture Two
Local area view
Local area view


Note:  The local area map was kindly provided by Mike Holder. The local area view is from my Google Earth © derived database.


It now appears that Denys Corbett Wilson landed his Blériot XI here on the 18th of April 1912. Whilst en route from HENDON to FISHGUARD in a race to be the first pilot to cross the Irish Sea. Which he achieved - see my listing for FISHGUARD FLYING SITES for more information. I would imagine he would have landed somewhere after leaving HENDON to reach here.

It appears he stayed overnight in the Mitre Inn, and being an Inn, was most likely on the main road, now the A4112. Long since gone it seems. Departing on the 19th, and presumably making FISHGUARD the same day? Albiet making another stop, (see FISHGUARD), along the way. He departed FISHGUARD on the 22nd April and crash landed near Enniscorthy in County Wexford.



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