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Otterburn Camp

Note: This map shows the location of OTTERBURN CAMP.

OTTERBURN RANGES & CAMP: Military airstrip(s)?

Aerial view 2006
Aerial view 2006
Aerial view 2018
Aerial view 2018
Arial overview
Arial overview

Note:  These three pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©


Military users: Used by Army AOP Austers in WW2, and many other types since it seems. The Camp itself in more recent years has several helipads.

Location: Otterburn village is on the A696, about 30nm NW of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The ranges are now part of the SPADEADAM WRDA/AIAA.

A look at Otterburn Camp on Google Earth (image date 2009) shows two roughly 'dumb-bell' shaped areas, (hard), marked with an 'H' pretty much in the centre of the camp. There are four 'hard' circular areas nearby, presumably also for use by helicopters. 



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