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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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Note: This map only shows the location of Penicuik within the UK.

PENICUIK: Temporary aerodrome     (Aka RAVENSEUK FARM)


Local map
Local map
Newspaper article
Newspaper article
Google ground view
Google ground view

Note:  The newspaper article was published in the Edinburgh Evening News on the 20th August 1932.

Newspaper article
Newspaper article
Google Earth © view
Google Earth © view
Local area map
Local area map

Note:  The newspaper article was published in the Edinburgh Evening News on the 22nd August 1932.


Location:   Penicuik is roughly 8nm SSW of Edinburgh city centre

Venue 17th to 21st August 1932 for North British Aviation Company

Venue on the 4th July 1933 for Sir Alan Cobham’s No.2 Tour.

Area view
Area view

Note:  This picture was added by the author and obtained from Google Earth ©

The North British Aviation Company was based at HOOTON PARK in CHESHIRE and operated four Avro 504Ks - G-EAEA, G-EAEB, G-EADY and G-EAJP. It is not known how many aircraft took part, but it might have been just two.




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